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St. Mary's!

Looking to get more involved in our parish community? Volunteering is a wonderful way to deepen your faith, build lasting friendships, and make a difference in the lives of others. Whether you’re passionate about serving those in need, helping with liturgical ministries, or simply want to be more active in parish life, there’s a place for you here! Explore the many opportunities to get connected and be a part of our vibrant, faith-filled community. Click below to find the perfect ministry for you!

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This group of committees provides outreach into the parish and local community serving the poor, sick, elderly, and homebound.

ANGEL TREE COMMITTEE: Works with Catholic Social Services to coordinate Angel Tree and gift drop-off and delivery during Christmas.

OUR SISTER'S CLOSET: Located at St. Catherine’s Parish. Provides professional clothing and programs in professional development to low-income, homeless and abused women to increase their employment potential and contribute to their economic independence. Clothing is also provided to sheltered women needing clothing for domestic court. The closet provides service at no charge by referral only. All are invited to donate clothing at the drop off in front of the SOM building.

RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: Organizes pro-life activities within the parish and promotes right-to-life issues.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Assists and engages with parishioners and members of our community in spiritual and financial need.


Serving the church and the school, this office oversees communication, public relations, strategic planning, special events, fundraising and recruitment.

ALUMNI RELATIONS: Volunteers needed to plan annual alumni reception and other events throughout the year, form an alumni association, and invite alumni to be involved in St. Mary's Catholic School.

PARISH ARCHIVES/MUSEUM COMMITTEE: Volunteers are needed for establishing a permanent archives collection. With a rich history beginning in 1867, there are several photographs, documents, and artifacts in need of preservation. Involves research, cataloging, and organizing.

STEWARDSHIP/STRATEGIC PLANNING: This commission coordinates parish stewardship activities to promote the annual parish tithing drive and the annual time and talent appeal. Parish tithing serves as the operational income for the parish. Volunteers are needed for talent recruitment and follow-up, as speakers for stewardship appeals, and as committee members for the annual parish census and stewardship drive held in October and November.

TRIVIA NIGHT: Held in October, this annual fundraising event hosts an evening of trivia, dining, and fun, including a chance to bid on a priest to help answer religious question rounds. Each year the theme changes with questions surrounding the theme. Volunteers and sponsors are needed! All proceeds benefit the St. Mary Church Endowment Fund.


This committee offers educational, spiritual and social programs for all members of the family and at different stages in life. Includes married couples with or without children, single adults, divorced, widowed, elderly and the bereaved.

BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE: provides meals to families who have suffered the loss of a family member .

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Men's service group composed of parishioners who plan service projects and fundraisers to benefit the church, the school, and community  organizations. The Knights of Columbus is a world wide organization of Catholic men who are dedicated to serving others, promoting vocations, and spiritual growth.

MARRIAGE NIGHT: Monthly social event for married couples including a speaker and cinner. Reservations required and childcare provided. Volunteers would help coordinate the event.

MEN OF ST. JOSEPH: The purpose of Men of St. Joseph is to instill holiness in men and facilitate spiritual leadership in family and community life. This ministry meets every Thursday following the 6:00am mass in the

SOM building. These meetings are a time for prayer, reading the upcoming Sunday gospel, and discussing how men should apply Christ’s example in today’s often confusing world. 

ST. MARY'S MEN'S CLUB: This service club welcomes all men of St. Mary's to join this social and fundraising group for programs benefiting St. Mary's Parish to include St. Mary's Church and St. Mary's Catholic School.

WOMEN OF ST. MARY: The Women of St. Mary provides opportunities for prayer, service, support, guidance, friendship, and social activities for women of all ages. With the help of our Mother Mary in heaven, we strive every day to lead our families and all of those influenced by us to heaven. 


This committee sees to the maintenance of parish grounds and outdoor shrine, to include seasonal planting and spruce-up.


These committes coordinate parish efforts to develop and implement religious education programs for all ages.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Develops religious education programs for adult parishioners.

ADVENT AND LENT PROGRAMS: Educational and faith enrichment programs for adults, children, and families during these church liturgical seasons.

YOUTH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD): Program required for all Catholic students in grades K-8 not attending Catholic School. Catechists are needed to prepare the children for receiving sacraments and for instruction on the Catholic faith. CCD meets each Sunday at 10:30 a.m., and volunteers are needed to teach and coordinate classes.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Provides spiritual and social opportunities for the parish children for one week during summer vacation. Instructors needed for art, religion, music, and other activities.


These committes provides social opportunities throughout the year for parishioners of all ages.

LIGHTING UP MIDTOWN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING: This event, held each December on or around the Feast of St. Nicholas, includes food trucks, snow machine, hot chocolate, Santa’s mailbox, and more. Tree Lighting assistance is provided by the Lafayette Street Fire Station Team, and the event follows the annual Christmas performance by the school children. Many hands are needed to make this event a success!

SUNDAY COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS: Volunteers needed to organize and provide refreshments for monthly coffee and doughnut socials following the 9:30 a.m. mass.

TRUNK OR TREAT: Hapening the week before Halloween, volunteers are needed to decorate trunks, distribute candy, and manage set up/clean up.


These committees coordinate the participation of parishioners in parish liturgical activities.

ALTAR SERVERS: Children in grades five and above needed to assist the priests with all Masses. Training is provided.

ALTAR SODALITY: Prepares church sanctuary for liturgies and oversees cleaning and decoration of church for Christmas and Easter. Meets fourth Sunday of the month following 9:30 a.m. Mass, September through May

CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW): Held each Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. Mass during the liturgy readings and homily. The children, ages 4-8, are lead to the adoration chapel to listen to the readings in a more understandable way. Volunteers rotate ona monthly basis; each week one volunteer teaches the children out of the provided resources and leads them back to the congregation when it is time to rejoin Mass.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL: Volunteers are needed to commit to spending one hour or more with the Lord on

Fridays with the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to visit and pray whether they are able to commit weekly or not.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: Trained by the Pastor, these lay ministers assist the priests at Mass with the distribution of communion and the blood of Christ.

FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY GROUP: This group meets on the first Saturday of each month to recite a rosary together in the chapel.

GIFT BEARERS: Volunteers/families needed to serve as and schedule parishioners to present the gifts at the weekly Masses.

LECTORS: Trained by the Pastor or Deacon, these volunteers to proclaim the daily readings at all Masses.

SUNDAY CHOIR: Voices needed to sing in the choir at weekly Sunday Masses and special services throughout the year. Rehearsals are once a week.

USHERS/GREETERS: Volunteers needed to greet attendants as they come in Mass, assist with collections at Mass, to seat parishioners, and hand out bulletins as attendants leave Mass.


St Mary School, the largest educational ministry of the parish, educates elementary school aged children, in grades preschool (K3 & K4) through eighth. Volunteers are needed for School Board, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), tutors, substitute teachers, parent ambassadors, and

assistance with events and programs throughout the year. Parishioners

are encouraged to become active with the school.

ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD: Elected members advisory to the Principal of St. Mary Catholic concerning current St. Mary Parish Church Office| 106 Providence St.| Mobile, AL 36604|  251.432.8678|

St. Mary’s Parish Volunteer Opportunities

and long-range needs for St. Mary Catholic School. Elections are held each year for a three-year term.

STEAK OUT WEEKEND: This three-event fundraiser weekend features a ladie's craft cocktail event, a free family day festival, and a steak coock-off event featuring both professional and backyard cooking reams with guests voting on their favorite steaks. The main event also features live music, prizes, great food and beverages, and entertainment! Volunteers are needed to help plan and execute all three events, so there is room for many hands on deck! All proceeds benefit St. Mary Catholic School.

STEVE THOMPSON MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT: The Steve Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament is sponsored by St. Mary's Dad's Club with proceeds benefiting the St. Mary Ollis Pavilion and Lauten Courts on Thompson Field and the Lauten Scholarship Fund. The golf tournament is held on the third Friday of October each year, and volunteers for event organizing and tournament day are always welcome.


These people organize and directs social and spiritual programs for the youth  and young adults of St. Mary's Parish.

BOOSTER CLUB (CYO SPORTS PROGRAM): Organizes and provides support for parish CYO sports teams. Recruits and organizes coaches for teams of soccer, volleyball, football, cross-country and basketball.

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: Provides opportunities for spiritual activities for parishioners in grades 9 through 12. Meets each Sunday at 12:30pm. Volunteers can participate in activities, prepare meals or snacks for the kids, and help with fundraisers for thier summer trip.

YOUNG ADULTS GROUP: Group for young adults ages 21-29 that provides community,  social and faith enrichment opportunities to make being in their 20's that much more exciting! Meets at least once a month. 

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