St. Mary's offers many exciting ways to be involved in our parish! Volunteering or participating in these groups and events are a great way to meet other people and grow in fellowship with them, all while giving back to our St. Mary's community. Please explore all of the ways you can share your time and talents with the world, right here at St. Mary's! Clicking on any of the Sign Up to Register buttons will take you to our master volunteer sign-up, and once you register, you will be contacted by the leader of that ministry/committee to find out all you need to know!
The Women of St. Mary provides opportunities for prayer, service, support, guidance, friendship and social activities for all women. We are all Catholic women who have joined together for the good of our families, striving every day to be the best mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers and aunts. With the help of our Mother Mary in heaven, we strive every day to lead our families and all of those influenced by us to heaven. By joining together, we can gain from our relationships with each other. We will learn, support, guide, pray and share with each other, which will make us better women for our community and family! Woman of all ages will find a core group to feel a part of and draw support, knowledge and friendship. In the end, bonding our parish community together as we build up the body of Christ in our troubled world.
Women’s Prayer Group
Join us at 8:30am on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Sisters of Mercy Building. This group will be led by parishioner, Rachel Rossi. Children are welcome! No need for a baby sitter! For more information contact the parish office at (251) 432-8678 or email Jennifer Martorana at
Women’s Rosary Group
The WOSM Rosary Group will meet twice each month in the Chapel, on the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:30am. This group will be led by Alexis Talbott.
Wine and Dinner Night
We gather monthly for food, fun, and fellowship, often at restaurants and occasionally at a member's home. Sometimes it's just dinner, sometimes there is a craft or activity involved! Details on our next event TBA!
The St. Mary’s Men’s Club is a social and volunteer group of men aimed at engaging and inspiring our community through fellowship and service. Open to all men of St. Mary’s school, church, and parish community, we support fundraisers, ongoing annual programs, and fellowship events benefiting St. Mary’s. We enter into service holistically, carefully securing means and putting plans in place through direct action while maintaining high esprit de corp (the common spirit existing in the members of a group, inspiring enthusiasm and devotion).
On the first Sunday of the month, St. Mary's hosts a Coffee and Doughnut Social in the Sisters of Mercy building in between the 9:30am Mass and the 11:30am Mass. All are welcome! It's a great, casual way to interact with your fellow parishioners. Breakfast items range from doughnuts, to casseroles, to fresh fruit, etc. To sign up to bring a breakfast item, you can click below to get added to the volunteer list and be contacted for information!
St. Mary's hosts five Marriage Nights throughout the year, where couples are invited to come and enjoy a delicious dinner with other married couples from the parish and enjoy a speaker on a marriage-related topic. Free childcare is provided (although reservations are necessary), and couples are asked to provide a $30 donation to help cover the cost of the meal and a bottle of wine to share with the group. Watch our Events page and our parish bulletin for information on the upcoming marriage night events!
Throughout the year, St. Mary's hosts several special events that are fantastic ways to get involved! Each serves a different audience; some are fundraisers while others are just for fun! Two of our free events are the Trunk or Treat event near Halloween, a fun time for kids to come trick-or-treating around our school paring lot and enjoy the fun fall vibes, and our annual Lighting Up Midtown tree-lighting event, which is becoming a community staple with fun Christmas activities and the lighting of our enormous outdoor Christmas Tree. We also host three major fundraising events throughout the year: the Steve Thompson Memorial Golf Tournament (a golf tournament held at Springhill college Campus), St. Mary's Trivia Night (a fun night of trivia and games held at St. Mary's Ollis Pavilion, and Steak Out Week End (a four-event extravaganza with some family events, a women's only cocktail party, and our flagship event Steak Out, which is a steak-cooking competition with a party vibe.) All of these events require the help of many volunteers to be successful, so click the link below to sign up to join a committee!
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St. Mary's Parish – called to come together to live a Catholic Christian life since 1867.
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