Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

Who We Are

Founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney and a small band of dedicated Catholic men at St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Connecticut, and now the world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization, the Knights of Columbus have over 1.8 million members in twelve countries.

The St. Mary Parish Knights Council was founded in 2002 largely through the efforts of Past District Deputy Ray Carney and Past Grand Knight Edmond Naman. The Council actively supports our priests, our fellow parishioners, our school teachers and staff, our youth, and the community at large.

The Knights of Columbus provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, communities, families and young people. The Knights offer mutual aid and assistance to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. The Knights promote social and intellectual fellowship among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, and relief works.

Any member in good standing who has been a Knight for at least six months since his First Degree and has also attained the Third Degree is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree. The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of and loyalty to the Knights' respective countries through active membership in local Fourth Degree groups (called "assemblies"). Certain members of the Fourth Degree serve as honor guards at civic and religious functions, an activity that has brought worldwide recognition to the Knights of Columbus.

Join Us!

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men in union with the Holy See, who are at least 18 years old. A practicing Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church. To become a member of the Knights in the First Degree, an applicant must complete a short written application and undergo an initiation. We also welcome men who are already Knights and want to transfer to our council.

Membership Interest and Info form. Please return the form to

You can sign up at, and don’t forget to use our council number 13163 so you can be connected with our council.

As a member of the Knights of Columbus, you and your family enjoy many benefits, including 12 free issues annually of the Columbia magazine, the world's largest Catholic family magazine and eligibility to join the Knights of Columbus top-ranked life insurance program.

Meetings and Dues

The St. Mary Knights Council usually meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We have a business meeting followed by fellowship "for the good of the Order." Annual dues per fraternal year (July 1 to June 30) are $30, and are assessed each August.

Saint Michael the Archangel, Pray For Us

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and
snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

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