
Sunday Masses

6:00 AM

9:30 AM

11:30 AM

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Our Mission

We, the people of St. Mary's Parish, responding to God's call, come together to live a Catholic Christian life. We invite others to welcome Christ into their lives and strive to build the kingdom of God. We seek to provide an environment for faith-filled worship, ongoing education, and dedicated service to each other and the community.

Welcome to St. Mary's Parish

Whether you're a long time parishioner or a newcomer, I know that St. Mary's is a place you can call home. I hope that you are able to find the information you are seeking on our parish website, but also don't hesitate to contact us directly. There are so many ways to get involved in our beautiful community. I look forward to seeing you around!

The Very Reverend Stephen Vrazel


Upcoming Events at St. Mary's

By Lindsey Binion March 25, 2025
Fridays During Lent | 5:30–7:30PM | Ollis Pavilion
By Lindsey Binion March 25, 2025
Sunday, April 20 | 10:30AM | SMS Thompson Field
By Lindsey Binion June 10, 2024
4th Friday each month | 6:30PM | Oyster City Brewing
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(Photos above courtesy of Kristen Marcus Photography)

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